Terms Of Service

The terms that follow exist to maintain the integrity of all services provided by CraftingServers. By purchasing services provided by CraftingServers, you understand and are agreeing to each of the terms listed below. This Agreement, is made and entered by CraftingServers, herein referred to as 'Provider', and you, referred to in this document as 'User'.

A. Indemnification and Relationship of Parties

1. User agrees to indemnify and hold Provider harmless from any lawsuit, claim, charge, or expense, including reasonable attorney fees and costs of defense, for any matter arising from or relating to User's website provided hereunder.
2. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to create a relationship between the Provider and User in the nature of a partnership, joint venture, editor/publisher or otherwise. Both parties acknowledge and agree that Provider has no interaction with the data or substance of User's website, except as necessary to maintain the website.
3. User agrees to indemnify and hold Provider harmless from any lawsuit, claim, charge, or expense, including reasonable attorney fees and costs of defense, for any matter arising from or relating to Provider's use of any domain name.


1. User agrees to pay the charges agreed to during the initial signup request on or before the first day of the anniversary of account setup each month or year following execution of this agreement.
2. User agrees that if payment has not been received within 5 days of said renewal date shall be considered late and service may be suspended.
3. User agrees that if payment has not been received within 7 days of said renewal date shall be considered in default and service shall be terminated meaning all data will be removed from our servers.


CraftingServers reserves the right to refuse or cancel any service at it's sole discretion. Failure to follow any terms or conditions established by CraftingServers may result in immediate termination and forfeiture of any refund agreements.


1. The Provider believes in freedom of speech. As long as the User's content does not break any Federal, State, or local laws (within the United States) or causes harm to any specific race, creed or gender, it will be allowed to exist on the User's website.
2. User is responsible for any content they place on their web site, or transfer by any other means using hardware and or bandwidth belonging to the Provider.
3. The Provider reserves the right to remove any page(s) at any time without notice.
4. User agrees not to host any unauthorized copyrighted material such as music, movies, photographs (anything that would be in violation of United States Copyright Laws).
5. Examples of unacceptable material on users shared hosting account (not limited to the following), if you have any questions about acceptable content, please contact us before signing up with services provided by CraftingServers.
• Pornographic Material (of any kind)
• Sites that stream copyrighted material, either directly or via 3rd party websites (TV Shows, Movies, Games.. etc)
• Lottery/Gambling Sites
• File Dump/Mirror Scripts (similar to rapidshare)
• Sites promoting illegal activities
• Commercial Audio Streaming (more than one or two streams)
• Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts
• Forums and/or websites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
• Topsites
• IRC Scripts/Bots
• Proxy Scripts/Anonymizers
• Pirated Software/Warez
• AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC sites
• IP Scanners
• Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
• Botnets/(D)DoS Tools/Shell Scripts
• Banner-Ad services (commercial banner ad rotation)
• Escrow/Bank Debentures
• High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites
• Investment Sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Pyramid Scheme)
• Sale of any controlled substance without prior proof of appropriate permit(s)
• Prime Banks Programs
• Hateful/Racist/Harassment oriented sites
• Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
• Bank Debentures/Bank Debenture Trading Programs
• Fraudulent Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at aa419.org and escrow-fraud.com)
• Mailer Pro
• Broadcast or Streaming of Live Sporting Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWF, etc)


1. User agrees to maintain it's site in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws, regulations (within the United States and Europe), acceptable uses and standards in effect, or which become in effect, during the term hereof.
2. User agrees to practice common courtesy in its use of the site, and refrain from using any distribution lists for electronic mail or other techniques for unsolicited mass mailing.
3. User agrees to keep their contact email address with Provider current at all times, and agrees Provider has no liability for lost or undelivered email messages concerning the status or payment due for User's account.
4. User agrees to comply with the wishes of the Provider in regards to practices that may hinder the ability of other CraftingServers customers to use the Provider's services.
5. User agrees no notices for account status or invoices will be sent via postal mail or telephone, unless initiated by Provider as required by law to collect payment.
6. User understands that the user's account is not to be used to offer free services, such as email and hosting to the general public. While it is not mandatory for users to charge for their service, offering such services free of charge to the general public is not allowed.
7. Resource Usage, User may not:
• Use 20% or more of system resources for longer then 120 seconds. Activities that could cause such problems include, but are not limited to: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP, etc.
• Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD.
• Run any type of web spider or indexer (including Google Cash / AdSpy) on shared hosting account.
• Run any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
• Run any bit torrent application, tracker, or client.
• Participate in any file-sharing/peer-to-peer activities
• Run cron job entries with intervals of less than 5 minutes.
• Run any MySQL queries longer than 30 seconds. MySQL tables should be indexed appropriately.


1. CraftingServers will run a back-up service weekly every Monday. The back-up process is provided as a courtesy, therefore it is recommended users always keep their own back-ups accordingly. CraftingServers is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account. User agrees to take full responsibility regarding the maintenance of all appropriate backups and data stored on CraftingServer servers. While CraftingServers does maintain backups of your files and data, we accept no responsibility should backups be unavailable for any reason including but not limited to data corruption, hardware failure, or negligence. All data will be mirrored to a secondary drive (helping to protect your data incase of drive failures).


1. This agreement shall have an initial term of one month from the date of execution hereof, unless otherwise specified by sign up request. Upon expiration of such term, this agreement shall automatically renew for successive equivalent periods, unless notice is given by either party of its intent to terminate the agreement, at least one week prior to the scheduled termination date. All terms and conditions of this agreement shall be in full force and effect during all original and renewal periods hereunder. If User does not notify Provider of cancellation request at least 7 days in advance of date of execution, the User will be responsible for the payment due for the next equivalent period.


User agrees not to attempt to undermine or cause harm to any server or customer of Provider. Failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate termination of the user's account.


User is expressly prohibited from sending unsolicited bulk mail messages ('junk mail' or 'spam'). This includes, but is not limited to, bulk-mailing of commercial advertising, information announcements, and political tracts. Such material may only be sent to those who have specifically requested it. Malicious or threatening email is also prohibited. We reserve the right to immediately deactivate your use of our service if we discover such activity. Further, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claim resulting from your use or distribution of electronic mail services through the service provided through this Agreement. Anyone using our services for spamming or anyone who is found to be advertising their site by spamming will be immediately subject to a $300 cleanup/network abuse fee.


User understands that it may take up to 24 hours for any shared web hosting account to be activated or domain name to be registered. CraftingServers will set-up your account or register your domain name once payment has been received/processed . If you do not receive your account information within 24 hours and have not received an email from CraftingServers, please contact us immediately and you will be credited for 1 (one) week of services (this does not apply to services being paid with Bank Transfer).


User understand that the transfer of websites from the users old web hosting provider to CraftingServers is provided as a courtesy. There is no guarantee CraftingServers will be able to transfer all of your website files from your old web hosting account to your new web hosting account. Keep in mind, every web hosting company is different and sometimes web hosts configure their servers in a manner that makes it impossible for CraftingServers to seamlessly transfer all data from your old web hosting account to your new web hosting account.


1. User understands that in order to receive a 100% refund on web hosting services provided by CraftingServers. User must cancel their web hosting account within 7 days of the account being opened. No refunds will be issued on web hosting services after the 7 day money back guarantee period, unless you are canceling your service during a one year subscription (which at that point you will receive a pro-rated refund for the days of service not used, minus a 20% cancellaton fee of the remaining balance). If CraftingServers registered a domain name on your behalf, there will be a $11.99 fee deducted from the final refund amount (for yearly accounts only). For monthly accounts, the one-time $11.99 domain name registration fee is non-refundable, however the domain name is yours to keep. Payments for Dedicated IP Addresses are non-refundable.
2. User understands that there are no refunds for domain name registrations or set-up fees. However domain names will be registered in your name and are yours to keep.


If your service uptime drops below our 99.8% uptime SLA in any given month you will be credited with 1 (one) free week of service. This must be claimed within 5 days of our monitoring dropping below this level. Any planned maintenance work is except from this guarantee and will be ignored. Uptime level is calculated by our internal monitors only. Downtime occuring due to natural disasters or DDoS attacks against the network do not count towards the SLA calculations.

N. Acceptable IP Usage and Distribution (IPv4)

CraftingServers does not condone the use of Dedicated IP addresses for any purpose other than SSL as required by the SSL Protocol. Any site located on a Dedicated IP without an active SSL certificate can be moved to a shared IP address of our choosing (without warning). If you ordered a dedicated IP address using a coupon you will need to pay the full price ($2 monthly) to have the IP address assigned to your shared hosting account. If you accidentally ordered a dedicated IP address using a coupon you are subject for a refund at any time. This is due to the IP address pricing being high. No refunds are given for dedicated IP addresses unless ordered using a coupon.


1. CraftingServers takes all reasonable precautions to insure any information user submits is protected and not distributed to any 3rd parties. At no point in time, will CraftingServers use any information provided to CraftingServers for any purpose other than to keep in contact with user, provide services purchased by user or to verify users identity. CraftingServers will not disclose any personal information about user to third parties (without prior written consent).
2. CraftingServers may disclose users information to law enforcement agencies without prior consent or notification to the user upon lawful request from law enforcement agencies (CraftingServers will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies).


1. This agreement must be honored by all sub domains and dedicated servers of the Provider.
2. The provider reserves the right to add to and change this agreement at any time without notice!.

Last Updated: 08-04-2014